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🔥Tips for Career Progression - Part 1

🔥 Tea with Kim Man Wong - CFO of HK Electric (HKSE: 2638)

Thank you to those who messaged me and said they enjoyed reading my career advice articles. I hope my sharing can benefit you and play a small part in your life to maximise your talent. My mission is to bring out your full potential in your career and life. 

This time I had a catch up with Wong Kim Man. He is the CFO of HK Electric (HKSE: 2638) and previously was at Power Asset (HKSE: 6) under Hutchison Group (HKSE: 1).

🔥 Nicole: My readers/candidates always reach out to me and think they hit their salary ceiling at their current job. What advice will you offer?

🔥 Kim Man: My first tip would be to "Invest in yourself" whether in both good or bad markets - be it leadership or new technical skills. You should do a SWOT analysis on yourself every year to understand yourself. Always have a recruiter to guide you as they can give you an objective picture on your career. Your job every day is to outperform your previous self.

🔥 Message me for an one on one career coaching session with me!



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