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🌩️Signs of burnout and how to handle it?

Last weekend when I was having dinner with my parents, they pointed out that my attitude got worse lately.

I did not realise until I started being grumpy, talked impatiently and got annoyed easily. 

🌩️Then I realise it could be early signs of burnout.

My solutions:

✅ Take a few days off to relax my mind and body. Engage in activities such as yoga, swimming and reading at a new cafe.

This helps me a lot because I feel more energised to work, exercise and brainstorm new articles for my LinkedIn and website.

✅ Talk to your family or friends about what has been stressing you lately whether it is work or personal related. 

Find out the source of your stress and address it.

🌩️ What are your signs of burnout and how do you manage your stress?



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