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💡How to best pick your career or partner based on statistics

💡I really enjoy statistics as it paints an objective picture. An interesting application of pure statistics on job and dating would be the 37 Rule. There is no "perfect" job in this world, but you can use statistics to find the most suitable job type in the shortest time. 

💡 Based on the 37 Rule, you use the first 37 job interviews to determine a benchmark or criteria for a suitable job type, you then use those benchmarks and criterion to compare with the next 63 choices. 

💡For example, you attend 37 job interviews and picked one that you like the most as the benchmark, then for the following 63 jobs that you try, anything that exceeds that benchmark from the first 37 jobs will be your ideal career.

💡Applying the 37 Rule in your dating life, statistically, you could go on 37 dates and learn from them what attributes you look for in a partner, and for future dates, you can identify whether your date meets those key attributes as your partner.

💡Of course. this is a purely statistical approach, in real life, you may find "YOUR" most suitable career at the first try. The 37 Rule is to illustrate that there is no ideal job type without going out into the market and understanding what suits YOU best.



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